STANDARD IMPRINT COLORS: PMS 186 red, 201 dark red, 208 burgundy, 290 lt. blue, 293 med. blue, 287 navy blue, black, 421 lt. gray, 2592 purple, 108 yellow, 130 yellow-gold, 172 orange, 347 med. green, 341 dark green, 327 teal, 468 beige, 871 metallic gold, 877 metallic silver, 168 brown, cyan and magenta. A PMS match charge will apply if using colors other than these standard colors. Click this link to see a table of our Standard Imprint Colors. Please note that the colors on screen will not appear exactly the same as the printed colors.

PMS MATCHING: $35.00 (X) for using any color other than our standard PMS imprint colors. No PMS charge when using our standard PMS color(s). Exact matches may not be possible due to differences in inks and materials printed.

ARTWORK: Digital files are the best method of submitting artwork. Die patterns/shapes of products can be accessed on our web site. Artwork can be submitted via e-mail or mailed disks. The preferred programs to use to create artwork are: QuarkXpress®, Adobe Illustrator,TM, saved as .eps files with fonts converted to outlines, and Adobe PhotoshopTM. Corel files can be used if saved as .ai files with the fonts converted to curves. When scanning files, photos should be scanned at 300 dpi. All line art or type should be scanned at 1200 dpi. Always submit a print out of the art with the p.o. to verify that transmission is correct. If digital art is not available, artwork of some kind must be submitted, for example: paper business card, company letterhead, desktop publishing, etc. These do not suffice as camera ready but are used as a guide. No rough hand drawings will be accepted. Artwork that can be generated into camera-ready art in a reasonable length of time will be done at no charge, unless specific item states there is an art charge. Layouts requiring long preparation time will be assessed an art charge. The distributor will be called and quoted an art charge before any artwork is prepared. An art charge of $35.00 (U) is the normal charge. Camera ready artwork will be accepted but scanned and retyped using our stock typestyles.

PHOTOS: Wallet size or smaller black and white or color photos are preferred for most items. Please submit original, high contrast photos only. Do not submit photos with halftone dots. We will not guarantee the print quality of the photo because of the variability in quality of the photos submitted.

COPY CHANGES: No extra charge for copy changes. Must be in increments according to each specific item.

PAPER PROOFS: No charge for first black & white paper proof, $8.00 (U) for each additional proof. A proof will be faxed on orders the art department feels is necessary. All orders of 5,000 or more pieces will receive a proof. Depending on response time of customer, production may be delayed. Production of the order will proceed only after proof is approved. Factory does not take responsibility of proofs that do not get approved on a timely basis. Factory is not responsible for fax transmissions not received, e.g., proof approvals. Call factory for quote on production proofs. Colored ink jet paper proofs, $15.00 (U).

PRODUCTION TIME: On most items production time is approximately 5-8 working days from receipt of order or approved proof. High quantity orders may require longer production time.

RUSH SERVICE: Rush service available upon request and approval of factory on most products for an additional charge. Colors and quantities may be limited. Proofs and PMS color matching not available on rush orders. Other restrictions may apply. The factory will try to accommodate most rush situations without an additional charge, however, much depends on the factory’s production schedule at that time.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Orders are acknowledged upon receipt of order with complete ordering information including a tentative ship date.

SPLIT DESTINATIONS: No charge, please provide addresses.

SHIPPING: FOB Missouri. Shipping is done by Standard UPS Groundtrac unless directed otherwise. We are not responsible for lost, misplaced or undeliverable packages once shipped. Merchandise becomes the property of the customer once consigned to carrier. Not responsible for final shipping charges.

LESS THAN MINIMUM: Quantities less than the stated minimum are not available.

REPEAT ORDERS: Refer to factory’s previous invoice or work order number to ensure correct copy is used.

CUSTOM QUOTING: Call or fax factory. Specify sizes, imprint colors, and material thickness.

POLYBAGGING: Not available.

UNION LABEL: Not available.