1. Email, Call or Fax your order in. Simply tell us which products, and what
options (text, colors, etc.) you want. Remember, if you are having your
supplied photo, logo, or mascot on the product(s), then you must either send it
to us, or email it (1 MB limit). Picture may be in a digital format (Floppy, CD,
etc.), or a picture that we can scan from. Remember, the better the
original photo, the better your products will look. All photos or disks will be returned
unharmed to you with your products. THIS IS THE EASIEST WAY. email: sales@leadingedgeawards.com 2. Mail your order in using our supplied order form. If you have Microsoft Word (6.0 or later) installed on your computer, then you can open our forms, fill them out while in Word, and fax, or mail it to us. There also is a sample order form (already filled out with a ficticious order) available for you to view in Word. Please open up the Products Codes & Price List. You will need this to fill out the order form. Simply click on a link below, Word for Windows will automatically be started up with the appropriate form loaded. You can then fill the order form out in Word, mail it with your picture & payment, or if you are not having a custom photo, or logo, then fax it to us. WE ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER,